Monday, July 26, 2010

Meet & Greet - Date/Time Change

Hello Friends! Baby Ludtke's due date is quickly approaching and we are looking forward to welcoming this little man into our lives in the next couple days or weeks! I'll be sure to post pictures once he arrives. I am still accepting new harp students in Greensboro and Newton for the Fall semester. I will be at The NewArt School in Newton on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 from 1:00pm-5:00pm to meet with potential harp students and/or their parents, so please contact me to make an appointment or just drop by. Formerly, I scheduled this meeting date for Thursday, August 19, having forgotten about the Old Soldiers' Reunion Parade and festivities happening in downtown Newton that day. So come and learn about harp lessons at The NewArt School on Wednesday and come back for the Reunion festivities on Thursday! I hope everyone is having a great summer and I look forward to seeing you on August 18!