Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall Festival

On Friday, September 24, 2010, I performed at Jones Elementary School's annual Fall Festival in Greensboro. I performed at this event last year, and was so excited to be able to participate again in this fun event! This year the Fall Festival featured bounce houses, face-painting, dress-up photo booths, karaoke, and more. Inside, I had my harp set up to perform, as well as offer students an opportunity to play the harp. I helped them pluck out simple melodies, such as "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and play glissandos (where you run your fingers up and down the harp to create a beautiful angelic effect). I even had Guilford the Greensboro Grasshoppers mascot come over and try playing the harp! I have included a picture of him in this post, so that you can imagine for yourself how he looked behind the harp! Hilarious!!! I had so much fun performing at this exciting event! Thank you Susan for inviting me to participate again in this special event celebrating the beginning of the Fall season!

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